Hoheria populnea, commonly known as lacebark or houhere, is known for its attractive appearance, featuring distinctive lobed leaves and a smooth, grayish bark that peels away in thin, papery layers.
The leaves are palmately lobed, serrated, and typically measure 5-10 cm in length. They have a glossy dark green upper surface and a paler green underside. The tree can lose it leaves in winter in colder areas. The tree produces clusters of small, creamy-white, five-petaled flowers with a pleasant fragrance. Flowering usually occurs in late spring to early summer.
The bark is a key ornamental feature, with a smooth texture and a tendency to peel away in thin strips, revealing a lighter layer beneath.
Hoheria populnea is well-adapted to a variety of soil types, but likes moist soils the best.
It prefers a sunny to partially shaded location. The tree is hardy and can withstand coastal conditions, making it suitable for gardens near the ocean.
This plant can reach a height of 8 to 15 meters, forming a rounded crown with age. The growth rate is moderate, making it a relatively quick-growing tree, especially in its early years.
Hoheria populnea can be used for screenings or part of a miced border or can be used as a standalone specimen tree or as part of mixed plantings in gardens and parks.
Plants supplied are in 5cm pots and average 1 -2 years in age