Griselinia ‘Cob Valley’


Griselinia littoralis ‘Cob Valley’ is a cultivar of the New Zealand native broadleaf tree, commonly known as kapuka or puka. Growth habit makes it a good choice for hedging

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Griselinia littoralis ‘Cob Valley’ is a cultivar of the New Zealand native broadleaf tree, commonly known as kapuka or puka.

The ‘Cob Valley’ variety is characterized by its glossy, dark green leaves. The leaves are oval-shaped with slightly wavy edges, giving the plant a distinctive and attractive appearance. This cultivar typically grows to a moderate height and width, making it suitable for various garden sizes. The compact and bushy nature of ‘Cob Valley’ makes it ideal for hedging or as a standalone specimen.

Growing Conditions:

  • Climate: Griselinia thrives in New Zealand’s temperate climates, making it well-suited for gardens across the country. It can tolerate coastal conditions and is resistant to salt spray, making it suitable for coastal gardens.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil is preferred, but is adaptable to a range of soil types. Adding organic matter to the soil can enhance its overall performance.
  • Sunlight: While it can tolerate partial shade, Griselinia generally prefers full sun. Adequate sunlight encourages dense foliage and promotes a more compact growth habit.


  • Pruning: Regular pruning can help maintain the desired shape and size of the plant. Griselinia ‘Cob Valley’ responds well to pruning and can be shaped into formal hedges or left more natural.
  • Watering: Once established, this cultivar is relatively drought-tolerant, but regular watering is essential during dry periods, especially for young plants.

Plants supplied are in 5cm pots and average one year in age.