20 x Melicytus ramiflorus: Māhoe or Whiteywood
Melicytus ramiflorus commonly known as Māhoe or Whiteywood, is a versatile evergreen native tree . It features bright green, lanceolate leaves with toothed margins and clusters of small, greenish flowers that bloom in spring. The tree also produces attractive purple berries that are a favorite of native birds like kererū and tūī.
Will grow to 6-8 m over ten years.
Melicytus ramiflorus is a forest tree so is useful as part of a revegetation projects as part of a mixed planting plan.. Can also be used as used as a hedge, shelter, or specimen tree, and is also effective as a filler or shade plant. Its ability to tolerate wind and moderate frost makes it suitable for coastal and lowland areas.
20 x Melicytus ramiflorus young plants in 5cm pots 1-2 years in age